The feds have put up another stumbing block for gun owners. In a little publicized move, effective August 19, 2022, an import permit will be required to return handguns to Canada. This means that if you go to the US with your Form 6 and ATT, you will also require an import permit in order to bring your handguns back into Canada. If you don’t have the permit, you will have your handguns seized and you could face criminal charges. Here is the link to the announcement.
You can’t get the permit until you have an Export Import Control System (EICS) file number. You can get the application for that number here. The form will only open with Adobe 8, so you might have to do some diddling about with Adobe to get the file to open. The phone number for assistance filling out the form is 1 877 808 8838. Once you get that, they will send you an application for the Import Permit – I have a copy here , but this file also needs Adobe 8 to open. You will also have to fill out a payment authorization form, because there is a $15 fee for the permit – I have a copy of the form here, and again this form requires Adobe 8.
On top of all that, the permit is only good for one trip into the country. If you go to another match in the US, you have to do it all over again, except for the EICS number and payment form.
You will need some other info to fill out the form – commodity codes for your handguns. Here are the codes you need:
Revolvers, Single action: 93020000100100
Revolvers, double action: 93020000100200
Pistols, single shot: 93020000200100
Pistols, semi-automatic: 93020000200200
Parts and accessories specifically designed for handguns: 93051000000100
Thanks to Cayuse and Curly who have been wading through the process to keep me up to date. If you have any more info about this process, email the details to me. (updated 20220818)
You’ve probably noticed the calendar is broken. This appears to be a permanent condition since the web page template is no longer supported and system updates have finally caught up and broken parts of the page. You can still find match dates under the Match Info / Upcoming Matches tab. (20220811)
If you’re trying to initiate a restricted firearm transfer using the RCMP transfer form, you’ll be surprised to find they’ve disabled the download from the RCMP web page. Don’t worry – you can get it here. (20220811)
We haven’t put much here lately. We’re coming out of another lockdown. Right now, most matches are cancelled. Some clubs may have members only matches with limited numbers of shooters. Check with your club about these matches. we’ll update the calendar as we know more. (20210217)
For those interested in the covid updates, I’ve put all of them on the new covid page. (20201203)
Matches are starting again. details on the home page.
Here’s the list of banned guns and the full details are in the Canada Gazette.
……………………………………………………..Posted 20200501
The big news today is the proposed firearm ban by the government. It includes Carbine M16, M4, AR-10, AR-15, Ruger mini 14, Swiss Arms Classic Green model, M14 rifle, Vz58 rifle, Cz Scorpion EVO 3 pistol rifle, Beretta CX4 Storm rifle, SIG Sauer MCX and SIG MPX.
I’ve prepared an email you can send to your MP to oppose this action. It’s in today’s Dispatch and if you don’t have that you can get it on the Dispatch Back Issue page or email me.
……………………………………………………..Posted 20200430
The events calendar has been disabled until we are able to run matches again.
The Annual Guelph Western scheduled for May 18 has been cancelled.
The Eastern Canadian Regionals and Canadian Wild Bunch Championships scheduled for July 15-18 have been cancelled.
We are very sad to announce due to the COVID-19 Pandemic the Eastern Canadian Regional will be postponed this year. With our medical professionals working hard to find a cure we are already planning on running this match next year, allowing time to get life back in order and to make the match even bigger and better. The pandemic has taken the world by surprise and we hope that everyone is keeping yourself and your family safe during this difficult time.
To the shooters signed up at this time – We are offering two options at this time. We can refund the shooters that have signed up or you can leave your entrance fees for use at the Eastern Canadian Regional in 2021. (proposed date end of July 2021) In appreciation to the shooters who choose to preregister for 2021 we are working on a special thank you draw. Details will follow.
Drop Dead Dave
Match Director
……………………………………………………..Posted 20200416
And the Canadian Nationals scheduled for Sep 2 to 6, 2020 have been cancelled.
I am saddened to have to tell you that our match committee has decided to cancel the SASS Canadian Nationals for this year. After much discussion and listening to what is going on around the world, including the cancellation of End of Trail, it was deemed not responsible to promote a large gathering this year. The health and well being of our cowboy friends and competitors must take priority.
Gunfighter Jim
Match Director
……………………………………………………..Posted 20200409
Considering recent COVID-19 developments, with the daily increase in cases in Ontario and the direction from the province, the Burlington Bushwhackers at BRRC are suspending all scheduled activities. We will resume our matches as soon as it is safe to do so.
The Decew Gun Club is closed until further notice and all activities of the Butler’s Ranger’s have been suspended. We will resume our matches when it is safe to do so, and encourage our fellow cowboys to take care and stay safe.
The Chatham match for April has been cancelled.
When you are checking the calendar be aware that matches are being cancelled a month at a time. For now, all of April’s matches have been cancelled. At some time in April we will assess the May matches and decide their status. This will likely happen near the middle of the month. Don’t assume there will be matches in May – check near the end of April.
…………………………………………………….Posted 20200330
And then I had some cowboys show up looking for a match. Sent these two off to Roswell, NM.
……………………………………………………..Posted 20200329
All the ranges at the Guelph Rod And Gun Club are closed until further notice.
…………………………………………………….Posted 20200326
The Eastern Ontario Shooting Club, The Cornwall Handgun Club and the Grenville Fish and Game Club are totally shot down until further notice.
……………………………………………………..Posted 20200326
The Colby gun range and archery range in Waterloo are closed.
……………………………………………………..Posted 20200323
Well the Covid-19 virus has turned the world on its end. All the Cowboy matches in March have been cancelled. For April, the Wentworth match is cancelled, as are the Barrie matches and the Grenville match. Also cancelled is the Decew Wild Bunch match on April 4. We are waiting to hear about the Chatham, Guelph, Burlington and Decew Cowboy matches. We’ll let you know as soon as we find out.
Here’s some info about ranges – if you have more details let us know. Wentworth is closed, Burlington is closed, Chatham is closed and Guelph indoor ranges are closed and there are restrictions on the outdoor ranges. Some of these closures are initially to March 31 – we’ll see what happens after that date.
……………………………………………………..Posted 20200322
Smoke N’ Ash is applying for the SASS Scholarship again this year. If you would like to send her a letter of recommendation to include with her application please email her at Smoke N’ Ash. The application is due April 1st, so if you get them to her by the end of March she would greatly appreciate it! The SASS Scholarship asks that the letters discuss the applicants character and include her SASS number (86017) as well as the writers SASS alias and number. If you are interested and have questions please email her.
If you want to voice your concern about what’s planned for firearms in this country you can send a letter to Ottawa. This is more effective than emails since emails pretty well just get deleted. Letters they have to respond to. Here’s a pdf file with pre-written letters to the Prime Minister, The Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness and one for your MP. Just download and print the file and follow the instructions included. You have to write your name and address on each letter, sign it and mail it (postage free).
Coming soon – a repeat of this for 2020 – see if this is useful to anyone. A full year calendar of matches is available in pdf. Calendar updated 2019 07 28. It includes other matches such as the New York, Ohio and Michigan state matches, the Galt silhouette matches, the Canadian nationals etc.
Back issues of the Dispatch are now available. Go to the Dispatch tab and under it is a new tab with the back issues. They only go to February 2019 (it’s not as if this is required reading for anyone) but the new ones will be added as they are sent out.
Here’s the Winter Range 2019 Newsletter (the premiere edition) and the Winter Range 2020 Application.
Thanks to Legendary Lawman for this update on Winter Range 2019.
Winter Range this year had some of the worst weather ever seen in Phoenix, Arizona. We had extreme cold, rain and serious hail with snow coming within a few miles of the range. In spite of that it was great fun. The stages were exciting but not overly difficult. There were more misses and procedurals than we have ever seen but that was a function of the cold weather.
Two Canadians were amongst four non-Americans to win their category this year. People may have seen this coming because we were notified a week before the competition that new rules would apply similar to SASS State Matches where you had to be a U.S. citizen to win the champion belt buckle. The first place winner did get the satisfaction of being able to take home the first place trophy, a beautiful Remington cowboy statue.
A great Canadian accomplishment that has gone unpublished is that young Whistlin’ Will from British Columbia, shot 5th in category but that also put him 5th OVERALL! In his first ever shootout, he beat the top shooter, Cody James to be top man and was only just beat out by Holy Terror in their shootout.
Congratulations Whistlin’ Will – great shooting! We are proud of you.
Whistlin’ Will is also a great Wild Bunch shooter and is the Match Director for the 2019 SASS Canadian Wild Bunch Championships in Courtney, BC in September. (posted Mar 2019)
The entry form for the 2019 Regionals in Barrie is ready. You can get it on the events page or here. (posted Feb 2019)
If you want to register your opposition to a ban on handguns and assault rifles, here’s a link that provides letters you can mail to various MPs. (posted Sep 2018)
The Liberal government is now considering a ban on handguns and assault rifles. Let your opinion be known by signing the petitions and polls listed below. Doing nothing is not a good plan if you want to maintain your handgun ownership. (posted Aug 2018)
Bill C-71 has been introduced by the Liberal government. It amends the Firearms Act and contains provisions that should be troubling to responsible gun owners. There are things that you can do to let your concerns be known – sign a petition, send an e-mail, write a letter or more. The links below provide access to sites that will assist you in voicing your concern. There are probably many others but these I know of. (posted Apr 2018)
A Resource to Combat Bill C-71
Shooters Choice Bill C-71 Plan
Globe article and poll
Been a while since anything got posted here. If you ever wanted to make one of those lever action supercharger loaders, Rooster has provided a plan you can get here. (posted July 2018)
The Wild Bunch Nationals at Decew are coming up – there’s info on the calendar entry or here. (posted July 2018)
From Legendary Lawman and Serenity – At End of Trail a couple of weeks ago, the SASS Scholarship bursaries were announced. Justice Lilly Kate announced that it was very difficult selecting only ten recipients from all the deserving applicants. Overcoming the competition as one of the ten recipients was Smokin’ Ash from Guelph. This is the third year in a row that Ash has received a bursary and done us proud.
Smokin’ Ash has been cowboy shooting for many years now and has been a great ambassador for our sport. Always smiling and always willing to pitch in and help. Congratulations Ash. We are very proud of you being awarded another bursary. Best of luck in your continuing education. (posted July 2018)
Bad weather including a possible ice storm has caused cancellation of the Barrie and Burlington matches this weekend (Apr 14 & 15). (posted Apr 2018)
Speaking of the Regionals, the April 2018 SASS Cowboy Chronicle has an article by Bad Penny on the 2017 Regionals plus an article by RJ Law from Michigan on his experience at the Regionals. They are reproduced
in pdf here. The same issue has an article on the Western Canadian Regionals. (posted Apr 2018)